Sunday, January 3, 2010

Miles for the NY: 10.5, PW Recipes for the NY:3

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I heard this guy today ask some folks if they had a nice new year. ????? Dude, ...the year pretty much lasts, ...a year. It ain't over.

I fixed P Dub's hot artichoke dip on NYE. We had some friends stop by the house before we went to dinner at Osaka's. They gave it a thumbs up. I gave it a big ol' thumbs up. It was good. So good that I had to ship it off to a family New Year's Day celebration so I wouldn't eat the left overs. I heard they enjoyed it. We didn't go that festivus because Ronnie and I had some stuff to do that day. Uh, Jennifer Aniston movie marathon and football games, hello. Earlier in the day, we had the kids and Holley, Kourt, and the boys come by for our first annual NYD pancake breakfast. This was a cool idea that I stole from Karen Bryan. :) We were shocked that Jonathan was the first to arrive. 30 minutes early! I cooked P Dubs pancakes, but not the ones from the book, so this doesn't count as a mark toward my countdown. They were good though. I hate to say...I think Rachel Ray's plum pancakes hold my mark for top pancakes. I still have to make P Dub's sour cream cakes, so that may just put her back on top.

Tonight, we invited Jonathan over for meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. I'm nutritionally conscientious and definitely tend to cook on the healthy side, but you know the deal,...I said I would do this thing, so I'm doing this thing. Bacon and all. Do you want to know what I thought? Well, if ever I were told that I could have one last meal before I die, THIS IS IT. There are no words. I couldn't figure out what made this so fantastic but apparently, when you combine parsley, Parmesan, beef, and BACON...and a tomato sauce with mustard and Tabasco, you get FLAVA FLAVE! Oh, this stuff is money. Jonathan said he wasn't very hungry and asked for a small piece. Oh, he went in for seconds. Umhm.

Ronnie asked me when the next PW meal was.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, I love your blog, I run with RW as well, I'm in Bronda & Simone's group. I haven't met you. My blog is called Paula on the RW site and its real name is run415. I have a SIGNED copy of PW, she was at Steve's Sundry before Christmas and I got it for my neighbor who has been wonderful to me. Reading your reviews makes me want to go buy another one and cook some of her stuff, but like you, I don't like the fat greasy stuff. You make it look really tempting tho. I hope you're enjoying your running. You will LOVE the OKC run, it is sooo moving and they always have good keynote speakers. The pasta dinner is awesome at the memorial site. I LOVE your music. Thanks for sharing your blog.
