Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So here we go! Blog post numero Uno!

I doubt you will encounter any profound inspiration or insight from my blog posts, but I decided I would venture into this new realm of communication in an effort to post run updates, family news, etc. Also, with Scout's big cattle show coming up this weekend, I thought this would be a good opportunity to fill some of you in on the goings on at such an event. More on that later.

So....The big news of the moment....I'm less than two weeks away from my first half marathon! I've been training with Runner's World Tulsa since mid December and I can't say enough great things about their program. I've been thinking about the email I received from my good friend (who happens to be Ron's ex wife), Bronda, in November, inviting me to go to the orientation meeting. That one invitation has turned into something that has made a big impact on my life. Anyhoo...THANK YOU to Bronda and all my new friends at RW! Saturday was my longest run to date (13 miles).

Last night, I ran 5k at LaFortune and then rode my bike thru the neighborhood trails. Whoa! Reminded me that cross training is SO important. That bike was utilizing some different muscles than I'm used to working. I need to get back in the gym and do some weight training but I think that should probably wait until the big run is complete.

That's it for now. Make it a great day, Chiefs!


  1. Your first post needs your first comment, and this is it. Welcome to the Blogosphere.

  2. Jennifer, I just ran across your blog. I guess this is a bit late, but welcome to the RunnersWorld training groups. Good luck in your half marathon. I am not running on Sunday, but I plan to be there with Joe Hartl cheering everyone on.
